Direct-to-desk mail for 10x sales pipeline

Reach your target buyers where they work

Boost your sales with pharosIQ’s direct-to-desk mail solution. Target mid-funnel buyers who are looking for solutions like yours. Get up to 10 times more leads, reaching B2B buyers directly where they work everyday.

The campaigns are exceeding all our expectations. They are blowing the numbers out of the water. If we’re expecting 150 profiled leads, we’re getting 200. If we’re expecting 25 meetings, we’re getting 40. And we’re seeing conversion rates as high as 25%.

Jorge Granada
Global Lead Programs COE, SAP

The great thing about pharosIQ is that we can get laser-focused not only on the geography and region but also home in on specific accounts that might need additional support. We’ve been able to build ABM micro clusters that enable us to orchestrate very targeted, successful campaigns.

Heather Rath
Director Field Marketing Enterprise, ServiceNow


How it works

Gain instant campaign momentum and fast-track deals with direct-to-desk mailers. IQdirect goes beyond just sending a flashy mailer – it offers flexible options like including customized gift cards and high-impact dimensional pieces. It seamlessly integrates into your overall demand generation strategy, giving you the edge that you need.

Signal engine targeting


Campaign go-live

No-fuss sales meetings

Access the intent signals that power pharosIQ

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Get access to the down-funnel intent signals that matter to you most.

Customer Success Story

Veeam Exceeds Pipeline Expectations with IQdirect & IQconvert

With pharosIQ, Veeam launched an integrated demand generation strategy to target their ABM accounts and nurture them to a sales-ready stage with IQdirect and IQconvert.

Global Audience

Take a look. We’ve got all the customers you want to sell to and all the buyers you’re excited to connect with. We can reach anyone, anywhere, anytime.









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