Boost B2B call-to-connect rates with pharosIQ’s mobile data enrichment. IQappend, fueled by Modigie’s real-time data model and the industry’s largest active cell phone database is your secret weapon.
How it works
Elevate call-to-connection rates by smoothly blending current mobile data into leads from our content syndication services.
Launch an IQsyndicate campaign
Let your pharosIQ team know that you are interested in adding confirmed mobile phone data to your campaign.
The Modigie mobile magic
Through our partnership with Modigie, we process your new content syndication leads through their up-to-the-minute mobile phone database.
Increased call-to-connect rates
Let your sales team in on the secret: your pharosIQ leads come with validated mobile phone data that is ready for them to use.
IQappend Benefits
Precision targeting with our exclusive purchase intent signals means your brand will be seen by more of your target audience than ever before.
Pipeline average driven by pharosIQ’s down-funnel targeted engagement.
Average conversion rate increase in MQL to SQL with pharosIQ.
Automatic increase in accurate North America mobile coverage.
Increase in call-to-connect rates, improving returns on data investments.
Reduction in resource hours spent on data management and unproductive calls.
In the digital hustle, precise contact info is a revenue game-changer. IQappend nails it with Modigie’s real-time data model and the industry’s largest active cell phone database, giving you that competitive edge.
Take a look. We’ve got all the customers you want to sell to and all the buyers you’re excited to connect with. We can reach anyone, anywhere, anytime.